Mes travaux de recherche portent sur l’influence des attitudes et des perceptions sur les comportements et plus particulièrement sur l'acceptabilité sociale du changement. Caroly, S., Kouabenan, D. R., & Gandit, M. (2013). Analysis of danger management by highway users confronted with a tunnel fire. Safety science, 60, 35-46. Kouabenan, D. R., Calatan, M., Gandit, M., & Caroly, S. (2015). Behaviors and causal explanations of road-tunnel users during a fire. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 9(1), 69-84. Gandit, M., Kouabenan, D. R., & Caroly, S. (2009). Road-tunnel fires: Risk perception and management strategies among users. Safety science, 47(1), 105-114. Gandit, M., Kouabenan, D. R., & Caroly, S. (2015). Comparative Optimism, Perceived Control, Knowledge of Security Devices and the Behavior in Case of Road Tunnel Fire. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 5(2), 58-71.